Wild Adventures with 'Our Sandy Days'


Welcome to our series of interviews showcasing some inspiring families who  share their stories of travel, parenthood and work mixed with their life dreams, goals and advice.  

Introducing you to Christina and her gorgeous family @oursandydays from VIC, Australia.  They have been on some amazing trips and love to document their travels in their '77 Viscount Supreme named Zephyr.  Come along with us and get a glimpse into their adventurous, nature-filled life!



Wild Life

Share with us about yourself, your background and your family…  

I am a Mama to three - two girls and a boy. 

I’m a nature lover, sucker for sunsets and a keen adventurer. I’m also a Photographer and have had my own Photography biz for over 10 years. I mainly photograph family + businesses + document our travel adventures.

We live in a little renovated weatherboard home in South Gippsland. We absolutely love travelling + exploring this world around us in our vintage caravan, but have to admit, there’s no place like home. 


What are 1 or 2 non-negotiable things that you do for yourself every day?  

I always aim to give myself 30mins of me time every day. It usually involves something that makes me feel good, like exercising. Whether that’s a walk, run, yoga or a more strenuous workout. And I love to start every day with a good cup of coffee. 


What do you hope your children take away from the beautiful, intentional childhood you’re providing for them?  

Gosh, I hope that one day they look back + understand how blessed they are to have had this upbringing. We live in a beautiful community + the land that surrounds us amazing. It’s clean, it’s open - it’s country living. I can only hope they grow up to have the same love for nature as I do. Natures playground is really the best type of playground in my eyes.


Why is nature and the wild outdoors important to you?

Nature provides a feeling of freedom. Being amongst the natural beauty of this world feels like magic. From climbing massive mountains, trees, to swimming in salty waters, to simply watching a campfire burn under the night sky. Being in the wild outdoors brings fresh air into our lungs, and makes you appreciate this world we live in. When you get to feel it, be amongst it, all your senses are awakened + that’s the beauty of nature.  

 A quote I recently came across - “travelling will leave you speechless, but will turn you into a storyteller.” I feel like it resonates a lot with being amongst nature.


Wildest and best place you’ve travelled?

I’ve actually enjoyed every place we’ve stayed. As long as it’s in our caravan, I really don’t mind where we are.  Faves and most recent, The Grampians. The rocky mountains and cascading cliffs that surrounds the town and parks are literally breathtaking. And to be able to camp right in the middle of these mountains feels like a real privilege. 

Wild Work

Are you currently working at the moment? If so, what do you do and what led you there?

I’m a Photographer. I grew up taking photos with my Dad's slr camera. I loved the way it made my photos look. I loved how you could literally freeze moments in time. I began my career as a news Photographer + then moved on to wedding photography and then my business developed into what it is now.


What are your future work or business goals/dreams?

I want to travel with my family as much as we can. This moment we have our children (at their current ages) is so fleeting. I want to in still lifetime memories into their little hearts + continue to document our travels, to hopefully inspire other families to do the same thing. 

 Being on the road just gives you this sense of freedom + the more you do it, the more you want to keep going. 


What is one piece of business advice you’d give?

Never stop doing what you love. Don’t ever think you know it all. Continue to grow, learn and make mistakes. It’s all part of the adventure! And don't take things too seriously.


Wild Advice

What are your top 3 tips for living a whole and happy life?

+ Be kind. Treat others how you want to be treated. 

+ Take chances, don’t live with regrets. 

+ Savour every moment cos time flies when you’re having fun. 


What is one key piece of advice you would share with parents who are motivated to incorporate nature into their everyday lives?

Research. Choose things you want to try + get out and do it!

 If it’s a place you want to see, use the resources around us (Instagram, reviews etc) to see if it’s really something you want to do. Don’t hesitate. 


Top 5 things you wouldn’t camp/travel without?

  1. My phone/camera - to document everything 

  2. A good place to call “home”. Whether that be your own caravan, tent, cabin. Choose something that suits you and your needs.

  3. A wardrobe for all seasons. Jacket, swimmers, beanie, hat, gumboots, thongs, you know what I mean.

  4. My family.

  5. .....sorry, only four!


Wildest Dreams

Do you have a life goal?

To travel the world. There are SO many places I want to tick off. 


What do you hope to be known for - your legacy?

Someone who loves + appreciates this earth we live in. A person who isn’t afraid to take chances and who likes to live a little spontaneously. I’d be happy if I can be someone who inspires other Mamas to do the same.  


Wild Rapid-Fire Questions...

Fav Quote: Let’s go with my most recent one - "Travelling will leave you speechless, but will turn you into a storyteller." 

Fav Book:  I’m sorry, I don’t read many books. I’d pick up a magazine instead.

Fav Children’s Book:  Oh the places you’ll go! 

Fav Food: Love all food really - at the moment its Mexican!

Fav Drink: I actually don’t mind a nice cold beer, especially after a hot day.

Fav Holiday Destination: Love Wilson’s Promontory for its white sand beaches + huge red rocks. 

Your Happy Place:  Definitely our vintage Viscount caravan, affectionately known as Zephyr. 

Something you want to Learn: More about our history + exploring some ancient places in Australia + pass this on to our kids. 


We are so grateful that we have been able to feature Chris and her family on our Journal.  You can follow and find this inspiring family at: 

IG: @oursandydays 

Website: www.chrisppictures.com.au


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